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Day 11: Peace

Caitlin Tyler

I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world. 

John 16:33

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Until it’s not… During a season of holly and jolly, merry and bright some might not be feeling any of those emotions. Instead, there might be feelings of sadness or loneliness. We might be missing someone very dear to us and the beautiful traditions and celebrations make us feel that loneliness and grief even more acutely. Peace can feel elusive. “But take heart…” When Jesus was preparing his disciples for the moment in which he would return to heaven, a moment in which they would experience loss, sadness, and grief at his departure, he reminded them that in him they could still experience peace. Even though we experience trials and sorrow during our time on this earth, Jesus truly has overcome the world! This Advent season, we celebrate the coming of Christ; the birth of a baby who would indeed overcome the world. In the midst of difficulties we find peace in Christ Jesus, our savior and overcomer. Lean into him during this season. Seek his peace above all else and be comforted by his presence. Even when it feels impossible, God’s peace and our earthly grief can coexist. Be intentional to look for ways the peace of Christ shines through your circumstances. Perhaps it is in a conversation with a neighbor, the sweet sound of a child singing Christmas carols, or the twinkling Christmas lights that evoke a precious memory. Thank you Jesus for your ever present peace.

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